A basic way to understand where money goes in the stock market is by understanding how it’s invested. People buy stocks because they believe the value will go up. However,… Read more
Setting Investment Goals is a vital component of achieving financial freedom. Regardless of the type of investment, investing requires a thoughtful look ahead. Without foresight, goals are difficult to achieve.… Read more
How do you determine the value for an investment? You can do this by looking at the price to book ratio. This ratio should be no higher than 1.5x, and… Read more
When it comes to investment, the choice between passive and active investing may be overwhelming. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to each, so let’s look at each type and… Read more
There are so many great investment apps available on the market today, it can be difficult to pick just one. They all feature a variety of features and benefits, from… Read more
You may be wondering: how do you understand current market value? In this article, you will learn how to determine a company’s current market value. Market value is the amount… Read more
Generally speaking, the investment criteria for a particular project are parameters that the buyers use internally to evaluate a project. Frequently, these parameters include geography, industry, and size. Some buyers… Read more
The growth rate of an economy is closely linked to the amount of investment made in the country’s capital assets. The investment level is determined by several factors, including the… Read more
Investment appraisal is a key component of project management, and should be a part of all projects. The process should be applied regardless of the method of funding or procurement.… Read more
The investment appraisal process involves using different methodologies and techniques to estimate the value of an investment. The most common method is the discounted cash flow approach. This method is… Read more